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Facts & Figures
Population: 11.35 million inhabitants (2016)
Surface area: 30.528 km2
Capital: Brussels
Head of state: King Philippe I
National Day: 21 July
Official languages: Dutch, French and German. English is not an official language in Belgium but is frequently spoken.
Currency: Euro (1 EUR = approx. 35 NTD)
State structure: Belgium is a constitutional monarchy (independant since 1830). In recent years, Belgium has evolved into a federal State constituted of 3 Communities (Flemish, French and German-speaking) and 3 Regions (Flemish, Walloon and Brussels Capital).
GDP: 508.6 billion USD (2016)
GDP per capital: 44.900 USD (2016)
Main cities: Brussels-Capital Region (1 million), Antwerp (515.000), Ghent (250.000), Charleroi (200.000) and Liège (200.000)
Main ports: Antwerp, Zeebrugge, Ghent, Ostend
Airports: Brussels International Airport, Brussels South Charleroi Airport, Antwerp International Airport, Liège Airport, Ostend Airport
Time Zone: GMT + 1 hour (Summer time, from the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October: GMT + 2 hours)
Weights and measures: metric system
Domestic electricity: 220 volts
You can find out some initial facts about Belgium in the brochure "Belgium at a glance".